Course Syllabus
Instructor: James Shelman
Office: 2108
Prep Periods: 3rd period & 4th period
Course Description:
Principles of Math I is a modified curriculum course which is designed to help you develop your basic math skills to be successful in high school and beyond. You will also practice your problem-solving and critical thinking skills using real-world situations.
Class Materials:
Every time class meets, be sure to have with you:
- your Chromebook
- a pencil or two (with erasers)
- scratch paper
- any assigned homework (preferably in a designated math folder)
- your planner (or someplace to note down any homework assignment)
Main Textbook (online):
Attendance Policy:
You are expected to log into class every Mon (10:45am), Wed (10:40am), & Friday(10:45am) and be ready to learn when class begins.
If you miss class for any reason, you are expected to email Mr. Shelman or have your parent call the office and let them know you will be absent. Then it is your job to find out what you can do to make up the missed work. If you know you will not be unable to attend class on any given day, please tell Mr. Shelman in advanced if possible and be sure to check here on Canvas for your assignments.
Course Outline:
Principles of Math I is a yearlong course to help you develop your basic math skills and prepare you for a general education math class next year.
Topics covered in this course include:
- Whole Numbers (place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, & division)
- Fractions & Mixed Numbers (multiplication, division, addition, & subtraction)
- Decimals
- Percentages
- Ratios & Proportions
- Graphs & Statistics
- Measurement (Customary & Metric)
- Basic Geometry
- Basic Algebra
Course Grading Procedures:
Your grade will consist of in-class activities, workbook and/or worksheets, textbook reviews as well as positive participation, homework assignments, on-line activities, quizzes, and progress and end-of-unit assessments. Homework practice will account for 15% of the final grade. Grades will be based on a total number of points acquired over the course of each trimester.
All completed homework will be turned in at the beginning of class and be evaluated for accuracy and completeness. All graded work should be kept until the end of each unit to study for end-of-unit assessments.
Grading scale:
90-100% = A
80-89% = B
70-79% = C
60-69% = D
0-59% = F
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |